I get turned on by my porn addiction. The only way a chronic masturbator like me gets off, is by being humiliated. Its sad, but i love gooning. Sad that i may never get pussy ever again but excited that i get to hump my fist for hours to girls reminding me of my place. A pathetic loser place.
rub58 1年前
It make me feel so exited knowing that i am exactly what she says, I am addicted to my own addiction of gooning to porn, pumping my cock every possible waking hour, dribbling and drooling sat naked in my little room masturbating to filthy porn, I cant stop myself, I don't want to, ever
I'm not into humiliation, like being called pathetic and a loser doesn't turn me on. Sometimes I can tolerate it to a centain degree though. (If the rest of the dirty talk is hot enough) And FUCK ME the right side of this video gets my Cock rock HARD and throbbing!!
Panty_Bandit 2ヶ月前
I could never get a girl like her irl. She would see the loser in me instantly.